Equitable Cost:
Our workshops are $1500 / session. However, we offer a sliding scale initiative as a way for us to challenge the classist and capitalist society that we live in while working towards economic justice on a local, community level. By utilizing this exchange process, we are able to recognize the differences in wealth, income, costs and privilege in order to actively address economic disparities within our community. We will honor whatever financial exchange feels comfortable for you — no questions asked.
Consider paying less on the scale if you/group/organization:
• are transgender and experience trans related discrimination and/or violence regularly
• are gay/queer and experience related discrimination and/or violence regularly
• have medical expenses not covered by insurance
• have medical expenses, have been denied work, or experience discrimination related to ableism
• are eligible for public assistance
• have immigration-related expenses
• are a sex worker who experiences occupational discrimination (personal or legislative)
• are an unpaid community organizer
• are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history
• are supporting children or have other dependents
• are an elder with limited financial support
Consider paying more on the scale if you/group/organization:
• Run a business with $100,000,000 in general operating, own the home you live in or have a central office• have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money
• Identify as white and have access to job, influence, family money and resources in times of need
• work part time by choice, or have two family incomes
• have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, gender privilege, racial privilege, class background, etc. Even if you are not currently exercising your earning power, we ask you to recognize this as a choice.
Something to consider:
InSite offers over 50% of our workshops for FREE. When you use your privilege to pay at the top of the scale, you are redistributing your wealth towards someone in your community that would not otherwise be able to access services. When you pay within the middle ground, you are helping us cover our costs of serving the community. When you pay at the bottom, you are allowing for your community to hold and support you during this time. All of the above are acceptable ways of participating, and none are less valid than the next. Within that, we also recognize and acknowledge that even the bottom of the scale may not be accessible to some. That is where our “pay-what-you-can” initiative comes into play. We honor whatever exchange feels the most comfortable and accessible to you. See if you qualify for our “pay-what-you-can” program by filling out the form to the right.
This privilege-based sliding scale model was adapted from Dura Mater Wellness, Little Red Bird Botanicals, and Pronia Coaching.