For the colonized people the most essential value,
because the most concrete, is first and foremost the land;
the land which will bring them bread, and above all, dignity.
-Frantz Fanon
What does it mean to build on a place,
built on a place, built to erase you?
- Natalie Diaz
Progress always requires forgetting.
-Bayo Akomolafe
What are we being asked to forget?
1: Location: Wetland North
Artists: Reframe Youth Arts Center Greeting Mapping Activity & Orientation 2) Location: Circle of Life
Producer: Mary Stephens Welcoming to Politics of Place 5) Location: The Canopy
Griot: Joseph Larios and Mass Liberation AZ Griot: Becky Larios Critical Context & Story share 7) Location: Circle of Life - Terrace Community Conversation about land, development and displacement in Phoenix Moderator: Mary Stephens & Joe Larios |